Ethiopian Delegation Opening Statement
62nd Series of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO
4 October 2021
Geneva, Switzerland
Director-General Mr Daren Tang
Distinguished delegates
Ladies and Gentlemen
At the outset, I congratulate His Excellency, Ambassador Zniber for his leadership of the General Assembly.
Ethiopia is delighted with the preparation for the 62nd series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO. We thank the Director-General, Mr Daren Tang, and the Secretariat.
Mr. President,
Ethiopia agrees with the statement delivered by the delegation of South Africa on behalf of the African Group. We would like to emphasis on the significance of fair distribution of COVID 19 vaccines. We support renewing the mandate of the IGC for the 2022/23 biennium. The IGC negotiations should conclude with the adoption of an international legal instrument. Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions and Genetic Resources are important assets for communities. It is now long overdue for the IP system to provide these assets effective legal protection.
Mr. President,
I take this opportunity to highlight some of efforts undertaken in Ethiopia. We have implemented administrative, economic, and institutional reforms in the last three years. At these times of challenge imposed by Covid 19 on the entire world, the reforms we are implementing are bearing notable fruits in a variety of areas.
Ethiopia has adopted a 10 year home-grown development plan. It has five-pillar focus areas. It has also enabling areas in which innovation and technology takes the lead. The Plan will serve as a foundation for the effective development of all sectors of the economy. It sets out to capitalize on our existing strengths & abundant resources. IP will play important role during the implementation of the plan. These will enhance growth in all sectors. It will improve the livelihood of our people. The new Government to be installed today after successful free, fair and peaceful elections will intensify efforts towards peace and prosperity in Ethiopia.
Mr. President,
Ethiopia aspires to build a strong IP system. It has been amending IP legislation & promulgating new laws. We are improving service quality. We are building human capital in IP able to respond to our development needs.
We are grateful WIPO has continued support in different areas. These include office modernization; capacity building and awareness raising and policy and legal development.. These cooperation play a vital role for the improvement of the IP ecosystem in Ethiopia.
We appreciate the support by WIPO Academy, IP Office Business solutions, LDCs and Africa Division, among others.
Mr. President,
Ethiopia recently ratified the Marrakesh Treaty. We are working on its domestication. The ratification of the Paris Convention and the Madrid Protocol remains under active consideration
I am confident that WIPO’s multi-faceted support will continue accompanying our endeavour.
I thank you